Local Family Fun Deals: Attractions, Shows & More!  


By Diana Delgado Kollar January 3, 2024

1.    Attend Parades

This is one way we try to expose our kids to our family backgrounds. On January 5 we hope to attend the Three Kings Parade this Friday in East Harlem, hosted by El Museo del Barrio. It’s funny, we used to live right there, but never attended. Then on March 16 we plan on attending New York City's St. Patrick's Day Parade on 5th Avenue. This one has become a yearly tradition for us. Living so close to NYC is the best! 

2.   Go Skiing (again) 

So, this was supposed to be our winter goal, but Nala (6) and Simba (4) were able to go to Vermont with friends during the holiday break. We’d love to visit a local ski mountain during the winter to continue their skiing adventures! 

3.  Find the Best Hot Cocoa

Please share with me your go-to spots for hot cocoa in the Port Washington, the Roslyns, Manhasset, East Hills, Williston Park and Mineola areas! Of course, love me some Starbucks and Four Five, but excited to try more locally owned cafes. So far, we have tried Blé Cafe and Bakery in Port Washington, Diane’s Bakery in Roslyn. 

4.    Meet Up with Old Friends + Family 

The months seem to go in a flash! I’d like to make a point to get together with friends and family we have lost touch with.

5.   Winter Reading List for All

We are big readers in our family. Last year, we read Harry Potter the Soccer’s Stone (Simba checked in and out of our readings). While organizing my attic, I ran into a book I read once every decade. Once in my teens, once in my 20s, once in my 30’s and what the heck, now is as good a time as any to dive into it again. My understanding and experience reading this book has changed with every decade I have read it. Reading that book is my winter goal. An ambitious one because I hardly have time to read these days. Nala and I will also read our new Harry Potter "Chamber of Secrets" book, which I am sure Simba will join intermittently.

6.   Practice Kindness 

This fall we dropped of meals and treats for senior citizens at the direction of St. Peter's Church in Port Washington and their social ministry. Nala and Simba also helped our neighbor weed. I am so happy there are local opportunities for our children to give back. As a parent I also appreciate the questions and conversations that naturally develop as we are doing these things. All this to say, I’d love to find the opportunity for the kids to help others this Winter. 

7.   Go Sledding and Play in the Snow 

Easy! We hope it snows this winter so we can take advantage of our beautifully hilly Port Washington terrain!